Careers with Horizon Learning Solutions FieldsetFirst Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Degree and Subject * Experiences and dates (Last one first) –1 2 3 SAT Teaching ExperienceNumber of Years *012345 or more Last Time Taught Group/Individual IndividualBothBoth ACT Teaching ExperienceNumber of Years *012345 or more Last Time Taught Group/Individual GroupIndividualBoth Other Subjects Teaching Experience(s)Subject Number of Years 012345 or more Subject Number of Years 012344+ Weekday AvailabilityStart *010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Finish *010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Saturday AvailabilityStart 010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Finish 010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Sunday AvailabilityStart 010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Finish 010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PM Expected Compensation ($/engagement hour) * Upload Resume VerificationPlease enter any two digitsExample: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank